Pin Flow with Header Enrichment
The PIN flow with Header Enrichment (HE) consists of a redirect to checkout and subscription API call:
- Checkout redirect
- Subscription API
- Send welcome SMS
Checkout will handle header enrichment and customer consent and redirect back with a token to be used in the Create API call.
The Subscription API creates a service subscription for a specified MSISDN. The subscription API includes an option to allow free trials. Once a subscription is created then Alacrity manages all subsequent renewals setting http notifications informing a merchant of successful and unsuccessful renewals. Renewals are re-tried in line with Operator requirements.
The Send SMS is used to send a welcome message to the customer and provide a secondary way for the customer to access the service content.
All HTTP request parameters should be passed in URL Query String - query_params.
Redirect the user from your landing page to SLA Digital Checkout where HE and user consent will be handled.
After a customer has been sent the PIN code in an SMS then they should be invited to enter the PIN code on the merchant's service. This PIN code can then be used by the Merchant to call the Subscription API. Please review the Subscription API usage page for details.
You do not receive a HTTP notification for a create call success or failure. That detail is in the create call response.
Send welcome SMS
After a customer subscribes it is required that a merchant send a welcome SMS with the details of how to access a service. This reduces the likelihood of a customer losing access to the service thereby reducing customer complaints.
Please review the Send SMS API usage page for details.
Alacrity sends an SMS on a successful subscription to inform the customer of the service they have subscribed to and the cost.
Updated almost 2 years ago