Subscription Status

ACTIVESubscription's recurring payment process is active.
CANCELLEDSubscription canceled by the system because of customer type changed.
CREATEDSubscription with failed initial charge attempt.
DELETEDSubscription deleted at operator request or via delete API call, or delete MO-SMS, or customer care portal, or self service portal (
FAILEDSubscription creation failed
FREESubscription free period is active.
INACTIVESubscription created using create inactive call.
INACTIVE_ACCOUNTThe user Account is Inactive
PROCESSINGSubscription renewal is in progress.
PURGEDSubscription activate call failed.
REMOVEDSubscription removed by system for example when exceeded the retries grace period.
SUSPENDEDSubscription suspended manually per operator/merchant request.
TRIALSubscription created using create trial call.
GRACEIf supported by the Operator, a subscription may return the status grace if the first charge fails and there is no free trial. The subscription will then enter the retry pool.