There are a few differences between Zain KSA and other Operators.

  • Charging of customers is managed by Zain KSA so billing related attributes are not returned in API responses.
  • Successful create subscription request will respond with status SUCCESS instead of CHARGED.
  • Recurring payment notifications are not supported.
  • A new status update notification has been added.
  • Partial charging lowest domination is one day so daily service will not have partial or fallback charging.
  • The pin length is 6 digits

For details of request and response parameters please consult the API Reference.

Typical Flow

  1. User visits a landing page and selects to subscribe to a service
  2. Merchant uses the Checkout Flow
  3. Merchant calls subscription create call as described below
  4. Create call responds with SUCCESS - this means that the subscription has been successfully created so a welcome SMS should be sent using the send SMS API
  5. If the user has enough balance then renewal charges are processed (after any free trial) by Zain KSA - no notifications are sent
  6. If the user has insufficient balance then a HTTP Notifications is sent with a subscription status change to SUSPENDED (after a free trial); see example notifications below.

Status change HTTP Notifications are used to identified whether a user is still subscribed to a service. The status API call below can be used to confirm a subscription status.

Charging times

Charging occur at one of 00:00, 16:00, 20:00(UTC+3) and no notification is sent if the charge succeeds.

If a charge attempt fails but the user has some balance and partial charging is enabled then the user retains access until the next charge time from the three times above and no notification is sent.

If a charge attempt fails and the user has insufficient balance then a SUSPENDED notification is sent.
When the user tops up and the charge succeeds at one of three times then an ACTIVE notification is sent.

When a free trial ends then the next charge attempt will be at 00:00 on the next day.



15 digits MSISDNs should be ignored as they are data SIMs that will not be processed. Acceptable MSISDNs are 12 digits.


Create a new subscription using the create API.


POST /v2.2/subscription/create?msisdn={msisdn}&pin={pin}&campaign={campaign}&merchant={merchant}&language={language}

Request Parameters

msisdnThe subscriber MSISDN that you want to create the subscription for.stringmandatory
pinThe confirmation PIN received by the subscriber via SMS. You can send a PIN to subscribers via the Pin APIstringmandatory
campaignThe Alacrity service URI that identifies the service that this transaction belongs to.stringmandatory
merchantThe Alacrity merchant URI that identifies which merchant this transaction belongs to.stringmandatory
languageThe language code as defined in ISO639-1. The chosen language will be used in the SMS message. Below is a list of current supported languages.
  • en for English,
  • ar for Arabic
  • stringoptional
    fraud_tokenIf you are hosting the landing page you may be required to use our fraud prevention API and include a valid/checked token in this requeststringoptional

    Response Parameters

    typeAn indication of the transaction type. Below is a list of the possible values:
  • charge: Immediate charge transaction.
  • refund: Immediate refund transaction.
  • subscription: Subscription's initial charge transaction.
  • stringmandatory
    uuidThe universally unique identifier for the subscription.stringmandatory
    bill_idNOT AVAILABLE FOR ZAIN KSAstringmandatory
    operatorThe mobile operator code.stringmandatory
    merchantThe Alacrity merchant URI that identifies which merchant this transaction belongs to.stringmandatory
    campaignThe Alacrity service URI that identifies the service that this transaction belongs to.stringmandatory
    environmentThe environment that your API credential belong to. Below is a list of the possible values:
  • test: sandbox credentials.
  • preproduction: UAT credentials.
  • production: live credentials.
  • stringmandatory
    msisdnThe subscriber MSISDN that the subscription has been created for.stringmandatory
    currencyCurrency code as defined in ISO4217.stringmandatory
    amountThe decimal amount that has been charged.numericmandatory
    modeAn indication of the transaction mode. Below is a list of the possible values:
  • API Synchronous API response
  • RENEWAL Renewal notification
  • PARTIAL Partial renewal notification
  • STEP_DOWN Step Down renewal notification
  • MOSMS Mobile Originated SMS action notification
  • PORTAL Self Service Portal action notification
  • SYSTEM System logic action notification
  • CUSTOMER_CARE_PORTAL Self Customer Care action notification
  • CUSTOMER_CARE_PORTAL_LINK Self Customer Care Direct unsub link action notification
  • CONFIRMSMS Confirmation SMS received notification
  • CC_API Operator Customer Care API unsub action notification
  • OPCO_API Operator Notification API unsub action notification

  • stringmandatory
    frequencyThe frequency of subscription renewal. Below is a list of the possible values:
  • daily
  • weekly
  • fortnightly
  • monthly
  • next_payment_timestampNOT AVAILABLE FOR ZAIN KSAstringoptional
    statusThe transaction status. For Zain KSA will be SUCCESS for successful subscription provisioning operation.stringmandatory
    messageThe error description if any.stringoptional
    timestampNOT AVAILABLE FOR ZAIN KSAstringmandatory
    transaction_idNOT AVAILABLE FOR ZAIN KSAintegermandatory
    POST /v2.2/subscription/create?
    lanauge=ar HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Basic QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHNlc2FtZQ==
    Accept: application/json
    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Type: application/json
        "type": "subscription",
        "uuid": "c537bf6a-8603-466c-9eaa-bf6d3faed28c",
        "operator": "zain-sa",
        "merchant": "partner:02c76113-0ca7-4aed-88e2-75267bf85e82",
        "campaign": "campaign:940d351138df895e8dedf51e5d7b90788cdc23d0",
        "environment": "test",
        "msisdn": "96626925482",
        "currency": "SAR",
        "amount": "0.5",
        "mode": "API",
        "frequency": "daily",
          "status": "SUCCESS"

    Create Trial

    Zain KSA support pre-configured trial period per service using the create API..

    Please contact the integration team to help you set up your service with the trial period.


    Get the subscription status using the status API.


    POST /v2.2/subscription/status?uuid={uuid}

    Request Parameters

    uuidThe universally unique identifier for an existing subscription.stringmandatory

    Response Parameters

    serviceThe service name that this subscription belong to.stringmandatory
    msisdnThe subscriber MSISDN that this subscription belongs to.stringmandatory
    frequencyThe frequency of subscription renewal. Below is a list of the possible values:
  • daily
  • weekly
  • fortnightly
  • monthly
  • stringmandatory
    amountThe decimal subscription amount.numericmandatory
    currencyCurrency code as defined in ISO4217.stringmandatory
    statusThe current Subscription Status.stringmandatory
    transactionsNOT AVAILABLE FOR ZAIN KSAarrayoptional
    next_payment_timestampNOT AVAILABLE FOR ZAIN KSAstringoptional
    POST /v2.2/subscription/status?
    uuid=c537bf6a-8603-466c-9eaa-bf6d3faed28c HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Basic QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHNlc2FtZQ==
    Accept: application/json
    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Type: application/json
       "service": "Game Plus",
       "msisdn": "966xxxxxxx",
       "frequency": "weekly",
       "amount": "30.0",
       "currency": "SAR",
       "status": "ACTIVE"
    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Type: application/json
       "service": "Game Plus",
       "msisdn": "9661116648592",
       "frequency": "weekly",
       "amount": "30.0",
       "currency": "SAR",
       "status": "SUSPENDED"


    Delete all existing subscriptions for a customer for a specified service using the delete API.

    This is asynchronous call which means you will receive success response even when subscription not existed.

    We will send an HTTP notification once the subscription status changed from active/trial to deleted.


    POST /v2.2/subscription/delete?msisdn={msisdn}&campaign={campaign}&merchant={merchant}

    Request Parameters

    msisdnThe subscriber MSISDN that you want to delete the subscription for.stringmandatory
    campaignThe Alacrity service URI that identifies the service that this transaction belongs to.stringmandatory
    merchantThe Alacrity merchant URI that identifies which merchant this transaction belongs to.stringmandatory
    POST /v2.2/subscription/delete?
    merchant=partner:02c76113-0ca7-4aed-88e2-75267bf85e82 HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Basic QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHNlc2FtZQ==
    Accept: application/json
    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Type: application/json
      "success": true

    HTTP Notifications

    An HTTP notification is an HTTP POST message sent from our server, every time a subscription event happens, where the body of the message will be in JSON format and sent to a URL that you specified in your service settings (notification url).
    Those notifications will help merchants to keep track of all asynchronous data of their customer's subscriptions.

    There are four main types of subscription notifications.

    Recurring Payment Notifications

    These are not sent for Zain KSA. On the Alacrity Portal you can access Insights to see charging information for a service on a daily basis.

    Status Update Notifications

    We will send an HTTP notification when the subscription status changes to one of the following statues:

    • ACTIVE when a suspended subscription is successfully charged.
    • SUSPENDED when an active subscription fails to charge upon subscription renewal.
    • REMOVED when the maximum number of retries are exhausted.
    • DELETED when customer unsubscribe from the service.
    • CANCELLED when the users msisdn has changed.
    • SUCCESS when the users msisdn is created via an SMS.

    View the HTTP notification section for details.

    POST / HTTP/1.1
    Content-Type: application/json
          "merchant": "partner:02c76113-0ca7-4aed-88e2-75267bf85e76",
          "campaign": "campaign:940d351138df895e8dedf51e5d7b90788cdc23d2",
    POST / HTTP/1.1
    Content-Type: application/json
          "merchant": "partner:02c76113-0ca7-4aed-88e2-75267bf85e65",
          "campaign": "campaign:940d351138df895e8dedf51e5d7b90788cdc23d3",

    Charge notification

    A charge notification will be sent when a subscription status change occurs. Typically one is sent for the first charge on a service. From this charge notification you can estimate future payment occurrences. The status change notifications (below) include the next payment date which will identify gaps in a payment schedule.

    If the first charge attempt results in insufficient balance then a charge notification is not sent as you will receive a status notification which has next payment timestamp.

    This is NOT a subscription creation notification! However, review against the MO SMS notification shown below.

    POST / HTTP/1.1
    Content-Type: application/json
          "merchant": "partner:02c76113-0ca7-xx-88e2-xxxxxxx",
          "campaign": "campaign:940d351138df895e8dedfxxxxxx",

    MO SMS Notification

    POST / HTTP/1.1
    Content-Type: application/json
           "uuid": "c537bf6a-8603-466c-9eaa-bf6d3faed28c",
           "merchant": "partner:02c76113-0ca7-4aed-88e2-xxxx",
           "campaign": "campaign:940d351138df895e8dedf51e5d7b9xxx",
           "next_payment_timestamp": "2019-01-30T04:46:38.904Z",



    Please note that all HTTP notifications should respond with a 200 or 201 HTTP response code regardless of response body, otherwise Alacrity will keep trying to send the notification every two hours for one week.

    One Off PIN API

    The PIN API call for Zain KSA is slightly different from the standard PIN API call as the charge amount must be included.

    Before requesting that a PIN is generated for a customer you should prompt the customer to enter their MSISDN. The PIN API will generate a unique PIN and send it via SMS to the specified MSISDN. The pin length is 5 digits apart from 000000 in the sandbox environment

    HTTP Request

    POST /v2.2/pin?msisdn={msisdn}&campaign={campaign}&merchant={merchant}template={template}&language={language}

    Request Parameters

    msisdnThe subscriber's MSISDN that you want to send the PIN to.stringmandatory
    campaignThe Alacrity service URI that identifies the service that this transaction belongs to.stringmandatory
    merchantThe Alacrity merchant URI that identifies which merchant this transaction belongs to.stringmandatory
    templateThe template to be used which will determine the content of the SMS message. Below is a list of the valid options:
  • charge (default)
  • subscription
  • stringoptional
    languageThe language code as defined in ISO639-1. The chosen language will be used in the SMS message. Below is a list of current supported languages.
  • en for English,
  • ar for Arabic
  • stringoptional
    amountthe amount that the user will be chargedstringmandatory
    POST /v2.2/pin?
    amoutn=5 HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Basic QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHNlc2FtZQ==
    Accept: application/json
    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Type: application/json
      "success": true
    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Type: application/json
        "category": "PIN API",
        "cdoe": "3001",
        "message": "PIN sending failed"



    The generated PIN will be invalid after 120 seconds.
    Please note when using Sandbox credentials, a dummy PIN (000000) will be generated.



    Please note that if the result of sending the PIN message fails for any reason the PIN message will NOT be sent.

    One Off Charge

    The charge API call can be made as normal.